Selected clips and links to my work. For more details on my experience, visit my profile on LinkedIn.
Travel and Maui
Best Maui Resorts on Maui for U.S. News & World Report
Blog post for the Fairmont Kea Lani
Print articles for Ka’anapali Magazine and Maui No Ka Oi
Special advertising sections for Budget Travel:
Real Estate
Weekly Kahiau Column for REALTORS® Association of Maui, Inc. published in the Maui News.
Action Sports
Profiles of nonprofit founders:
Soak, Slather, or Swallow? An advertorial for cbdMD: (PDF)
A Deeper Dive into Sound Healing. An advertorial for Sunreed Instruments (PDF)
E-books from existing content to act as lead generation tools:
Healthy Aging for Body, Mind, and Spirit (PDF)
10 New Discoveries that Matter To Your Health (PDF)
Art & Culture
Catching Magic by the Tail: An Interview with Elizabeth Gilbert (PDF)
The Ways of Silk - An article about Maui artists utilizing silk as their medium. (PDF)
Green Tea and Sweet Biscuits with Uluwehi Guerero (PDF)
The Wit and Wonder of Imago Theater's ZooZoo (PDF)
Online Courses
I launched an online course program for Spirituality & Health, producing 10 courses during the first year. My key role was finding instructors and working with them to develop course materials, as well as strategizing and marketing each launch.
I launched a podcast program for Spirituality & Health, producing over 100 episodes with guests such as Marianne Williamson, Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., Dr. Dan Siegel, Parker J. Palmer, Elizabeth Gilbert, and other leaders in health, spirituality, and relationships. Listen to podcasts here.